Bedroom ramblings…


Bedroom ramblings...

If you know me, you know my bedroom moves around every few months. I am known to exaggerate but that is a mere statement!

I get bored so easily its ridiculous, if not hilarious. Every piece of furniture I own is now hanging on its hinges for dear life – after I’ve tugged it across the room with full force and turned it at every possible angle I can think of! If I had it my way I would even move the window, the built in wardrobe, the radiator… I need some sort of portable room, then I could change its location around the house whenever I felt like it!

However, aside from that I also love adding to my room lots of fresh and pretty things. It’s starting to look a little overcrowded now, but hey… I’ve got a new idea!

I saw this giant size “Doodle Notebook” at the New Designers show in London earlier this year. I was really quite amazed by how well it fit in with the atmosphere of ‘new and fresh ideas’… And so I have decided; this would be perfect for one of my walls! Then I could change it CONSTANTLY. I could doodle different colour patterns and flowers every week – It would be amazing. I could write blog ideas, outfit picks, shopping lists, quotes… everything and anything without worrying that I might get bored of it later on.

If only I could have picked up that rather large doodle notebook on the day and somehow transported it to my bedroom. I would have been one happy girl. Since that is a far away dream, I am going to have to make it my mission to create my very own ‘doodle notebook’.

I thought…
-Hugeeee whiteboard from Online
-Drill holes in the top
-Beautiful glittery large ribbon bound through the holes (as if they were wire)
-Each loop of ribbon hung on a hook on the wall
-Whiteboard pens in every colour under the sun purchased

…and the doodle notebook idea will be loved forever

What do you think? What would you put on a doodle notebook?